SDR en zo / SDR and other information

Station information: PD1EG (aka nl13974) operator Eelco *** Locator: JO22fc *** ITU Zone: 27 *** CQ Zone: 14 *** Member of Veron Netherlands. Most information is in Dutch. In the upper-right corner is a Google-translate integration to serve you. QSL prefered by buro or post, digital use, EQSL , LotW activity on PskReporter and WSPR 12-01-2024 registerd HAM Call PD1EG Icom IC-7300 for HF YEASU FT-897 for 2meter and 70 cm RTL-SDR V3 2USB dongles connected to Raspberry PI … Meer lezen over SDR en zo / SDR and other information